As a hotel marketer, you know there’s a lot to consider if you want to increase your hotel revenue. It all starts with thinking through your various marketing tactics and optimizing your strategy. Let’s take a look at them: What is Hotel Marketing? ...
A year into the pandemic and travel is still uncertain. A recent study conducted by the European Travel Commission (ETC) about monitoring sentiment for domestic and intra-european travel, found Europeans are increasingly eager to travel during Spring 2021 as the...
From a travel industry professional’s perspective, current top priorities include reassuring travelers, encouraging bookings, and keeping them up to date with changing regulations. New travel startups fuel the reinvention of legacy travel companies, enhancing the...
Since first being identified in late-2019 in the Wuhan region of China, the coronavirus pandemic has spread to dozens of countries around the world, and its impact is still unknown for anyone. But, amidst the sea of difficult and dramatic news, it’s important to...
Every year the travel industry is marked with significant changes. In 2019 it experienced many trends that left a trace. Words such as experiences, digitalization, and behaviour were popping across all segments and raising awareness to the importance of these factors...